Wednesday 27 June 2012

Day 1: Drew myself and my hamster

Although it looks nothing like me! I DONT LOOK THAT CREEPY. okay? lol but I'm still proud of "my masterpiece". I know I will get there soon...

One of the best technique I learnt from drawing lessons is that whenever you try to copy an image, always start with an outline. it may seem difficult to do at first especially when dealing with a 3 dimensional image.. so instead of focusing on the image itself, you focus on the shapes that make up the surrounding space of the image...
An example is notice the picture I drew...on the top left corner, there is a triangle, by focusing on trying to get its hypotenuse on paper, you will soon find yourself becoming more accurate with your drawings because this is a way to prevent you from being skewed by your own perception of how something is suppose to be drawn...BASICALLY, FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE SPACE WHEN DRAWING IMAGES, DONT BOTHER WITH THE IMAGE ITSELF, once you get the outline, then you can do it however way you want. this technique has helped me tremendously in my drawings.

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