Thursday 12 July 2012

Going to quit blogging

this isnt really helping much. bye blog

Best "learning to draw" channel. It motivated me and taught me the most
(it actually helps with every aspect of life actually)

Okay done, first one, gotta redraw it again, but this time better (hopefully)

second attempt:

A little improvement, I just left some stuff out cause I am just lazy like that

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Copied a picture, not done yet, will finish tomorrow

copying images will help improve the accuracy of your drawings! I will try this for a month and see where it goes. Also, I heard that you should copy images that are interesting to you then you can move on to subjects that you MUST draw for whatever reasons
Original drawing is called"the Bloody Nocturne of Astonishia." you can find it in"Comic Artists - Asia (Manga Manhwa Manhua.

I know..its pretty lame but this is all I can do right now...I will probably draw better in the future. Practice makes perfect afterall! :) MUST BE PATIENCE!!

More practice on curvy shapes

the weird thing at the bottom is my hamster food bowl. and right next to that is a distorted image of my pencil holder. And the cool chair with a figure on top, thats my dead grandpa :D

I think I am starting to get how its done. :)

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Curvy shapes

Drew a bunch of curvy shapes...dont think I am doing this properly, but here is what I have so far. Tomorrow, i will try to draw some more cool shapes and chairs using  the same technique

I am done copying, Its not perfect but I'll continue to improve

 Painting called "Ecce Homo" by Bosch - depiction of Jesus being mocked by a hateful mob(according to the description beside it(. The guy with the red Santa shirt, his face is priceless..haha
 Also, learnt that you should draw something that is interesting to you because in the midst of trying to copy this image, I started to lack the patience to analyze or study ANYTHING RELATED TO THIS PAINTING

Monday 9 July 2012

Learnt to draw the hands today

Best tutorial on how to draw hands:

I can finally draw hands, Im so happy! I can't do it as fast as he does it in his video, leaving so many pencil marks on my page :( Also, I actually need to look at an actual hand for reference, but I know with practice, I can do it quick and eventually I can do it off the top of my head! :)

This is me attempting to copy the amazing painting of Bosch. I will post the original picture tomorrow  when I am done.

The measurements are totally off compared to the original but the hands are, for the most part, drawn correctly, which was my main intention for copying this painting of his.

Sunday 8 July 2012

How to draw the limbs the easy way

I remerber the third day of learning to draw (a few days ago) I spent the entire day learning to draw limbs, I tried so hard and I kept failing as they always looked so awkward. Then I went to bed and suddenly somehow got it. I guess hard work really pays off. Do your best and God will do the rest :) I guess God helped me! Anyway this is how beginners like me can do to draw limbs.

First step: Draw three circles. The top circle is the biggest (represent the shoulder), the middle circle (for the knee) and the smallest circle (for the ankle). draw them so that one is under the other. Then connect the three circles with diagonal lines.

Second step: Erase the circles

Third step: Add in the fat, You will know where the bumps go by looking at manga pictures, drawing books, people legs on google image or your own leg.

This works for the arms too. (Im still learning to do the fingers but once I know how to do it, I will post them asap)

I did those pictures in less than a second, I decided to post the trick here because I know many also struggle to draw limbs.

I "renovated my room" by moving the furnitures around.

this is how my cozy desk looks like now :)

Second drawing

 The Skin tone is a bit messed up but I guess that fits the context.

The stuff on the right, I learnt to do from "You can Draw in 30 days"
The face I copied from "Watercolour for the Absolute Beginner"
The fire and the smoke, I copied from Dreamscapes Myth & Magic

The body I drew it by looking at my own body lol just kidding.haha

Finished off using Watercoloring + pencil + ink pen

This is a great way if you are starting to learn to draw. Borrow a bunch of books and pick parts from a few different pages and copy them. That way, it wouldn't be extremely boring as you are not spending hours after hours copying the same picture. On top of that, your creativity is required and that makes it original and somewhat its "your work", not someone elses. And lastly, paint your picture using watercolouring or other cool material. This is important because I know how extremely boring it is to copy other people's work for the entire day, so think of painting as a reward to yourself!!

Friday 6 July 2012

My attempt at water coloring

Since I got bored copying other people's work, I will water color everytime I finish a rendition as a reward to myself. Water coloring is fun because you can do so much with the color and make the impossible possible like painting the sky blue. I added blood to the mouth cause the red color from the lips went outside the line, so I had to fix it up.

Original picture from libertymeadows, I love their site.